Friday, November 4, 2016

Fist in the Air For The Land of Hypocrisy


“(Sometimes slacktivism or slackervism) is a portmanteau of the words slacker and activism. The word is usually considered a pejorative term that describes "feel-good" measures, in support of an issue or social cause, that have little physical or practical effect, other than to make the person doing it feel satisfied that they have contributed”

As 2016 gets closer to concluding, pushing us into 2017 the world is falling into “life online.” This phenomenon is creating a world whose social skills rely more on technology as opposed to face to face interaction. One extremely significant policy known as activism, is being thrown into the mix of social media.  This idea has been portrayed in Facebook posts, online petitions, and multiple online communities. The common term to reference this trend is called Slacktivism. Activism used to be portrayed by standing outside the local shopping center with a pen and a paper getting signatures to support a certain cause to marching down the street in peaceful protests and boycotting certain companies. Activism or Slacktivism is now liking and sharing Facebook post, clicking join to an online community or posting a lengthy perishable and tendentious paragraph for their 130 followers. Although their intentions are good, are these online activists actually helping or do they stand for nothing but their ego? Granted, there are online activists that make a difference, but only due to the action that follows.

Banksy is a political street artist. The man with no identity paints very controversial but always truthful paintings on well-known and very visible buildings for the public to see. Banksy posts his work online for non-local citizens to see and it impacts people far and wide. He cannot be considered a slacktivists due to the non-pixelated action he’s committing to.  These warriors who battle in a war armed with their keyboards and shielded by their computer screens will more likely make no difference, as to actually standing ground and fighting back with the real sword and shield. The pen and the paper. The word ACTivism is not spelled this way by coincidence. Take pride in your cause and take it to the streets instead of holding your fist in the air for the land of hypocrisy.